Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement Youth With A Mission NL
Why this Privacy Statement?
Youth With A Mission the Netherlands (YWAM NL) processes personal data. We do this according to the European legislation for data protection. Starting May 25th 2018 this is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This Privacy Statement is meant to inform you about how we use your personal information and what are your rights.
To whom does this Privacy Statement apply?
This Privacy Statement applies to participants of our (training) activities, donors, people who receive our newsletters and visitors to our websites.
What is our legal ground for processing personal data?
YWAM NL processes personal data and is therefore a ‘verwerkingsverantwoordelijke’. Our legal ground consists of asking permission to involved persons for specific processing of personal data. Besides, a part of our data processing is necessary for the general interest of the involved person and/or because of legal requirements towards YWAM NL. For these activities no specific permission is asked. We process also special/sensitive types of personal data. The legal ground for this is that we are a religious charity organisation.
What personal data do we collect and how do we use this information?
- (Potential) participants of our (training) activities
We collect direct personal data like name, address, email address and phone number. This is necessary for communication purposes, the financial administration and for your stay at our properties. We also save this information in our CRM system (how we use CRM is explained later). Every participant is also asked to sign our Child Protection Policy.
Depending on the type and length of a training activity, we also collect indirect and special personal information like a personal picture, a testimony, information about allergies and other medical information as far as is seen important to share by the applicant. This information we use to be able to do a good review of the application and is also important for your stay at our Privacy Statement, 2022 2 properties and for joining our activities. Our starting point is that we don’t want to ask more information than necessary for the application and always with explicit permission of the applicant. This information is only used related to the training where the applicant applies for. If you successfully finish a UofN (University of the Nations) accredited course, then this will be registered at the UofN.
- Donors
YWAM NL receives donations for general purposes and for specific projects in the Netherlands and abroad. With every donation we receive a name and a bankaccount number. This information is linked and saved in our financial administration. This in order to inform the missionary who is in charge of the project, about which donations are received and from whom. We also connect donations for general purposes and specific projects with the identity of the donor. We add this information to our CRM system (how we use CRM is explained later).
- Subscribers of our newsletters
In order to be able to send newsletters we save contact information of our subscribers (name, address, email) in our CRM system. We send newsletters by mail and by e-mail. For our email newsletters we make use of a program that gives insight in the way e-mails are opened and if people click on links in the email. This helps YWAM to optimize the information we send.
Do you not want to receive mail from us? You can unsubscribe anytime, see our contact information below. To unsubscribe for our E-news, you can do that yourself online via a link in the email.
- Visitors to our websites (ywamheidebeek.org and ywamamsterdam.com)
With Google Analytics we analyze the way our websites are being used. The purpose of this is to improve our websites. The following privacy measures were taken, related to how we use Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is only allowed to process your IP address anonymously
Sharing personal data with Google is disabled, so information is not shared to third parties
Besides we use Google Grants for advertising purposes. YWAM Heidebeek uses anonymous conversion tracking to monitor and improve our website and advertisements. If we make use of more or other cookies on our websites, we will ask permission for it.
The websites of YWAM NL possibly contain hyperlinks to other websites. YWAM NL is never responsible for the privacy policy of a third party.
How do we use our CRM system?
As written above we collect contact information in our CRM system, received donations and we save preferences or receiving newsletters. We use this information for the following purposes:
To be able to inform you (specifically) about our activities and ask you for financial support.
Donors can be thanked for their donations.
To gain insight in our support network and the connection with specific projects.
Data from this CRM database are not shared with others for commercial purposes.
How do we use photographic data?
Incidentally photographic data is produced by YWAM NL, in order to use this for publication in our newsletters and for social media. Whenever we want to publish photographic material of specific or easy recognizable persons, we will ask permission for it on forehand.
How long do we store your data?
We don’t keep personal data longer than necessary for the related purposes the data was collected for. We do keep it as long as specific regulations require, and not longer than specific regulations allow us. We don’t have a limit in how long we keep personal data in our CRM system (alumni, subscribers of our newsletters). This information can be deleted or changed upon request (see the next paragraph).
Viewing, changing or deleting your personal data
You can always ask us which information we have about you. Before we inform you about this, we ask you to show proof of your identity.
You can request to change personal information we have about you by calling us or sending us an e-mail (see contact info below).
You can also request us to remove your personal information, however this is possible to the extent of the legal requirements we have to meet. If the specific information is processed by us because of your permission, you can always cancel this permission.
Data Security
YWAM NL has taken technical and corporate measures to protect personal data against loss or any form of illegal use. This is in order to make sure that personal data is only accessible for staff who are authorized for it and that personal data is used only for the (related) purposes they were collected for.
Changes in our Privacy policy
YWAM NL has the right to change its privacy policies. If you have questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.
Contact us
Our contact info for questions/remarks/complaints related to processing of personal data are:
Youth With A Mission NL
Mussenkampseweg 32, 8181 PK Heerde (Netherlands)
Phone: +31 (0)578 216 000
Email: info@ywam.nl
YWAM NL is a Dutch foundation with CBF-recognition for charities and ANBI-status.
Privacy Policy Youth With A Mission NL. Version 1.6, September 2022.